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Google Pixelbook Multi-Touch 2-in-1 Chromebook 12.3" (Silver)

Nullam est est, cursus id rutrum a, egestas vitae ex. Proin vulputate lectus id nunc auctor, quis rutrum orci tincidunt. Curabitur congue dignissim fermentum.

Save $2.00 $33.00 $35.00
Estimated Delivery : Nov 23 - Nov 27

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Electricity is all about making electromagnetic energy flow around a circuit so that it will drive something like an electric motor or a heating element, powering appliances such as electric cars, kettles, toasters, and lamps.

Housed in a new aluminum design, the display has a very thin bezel that enhances visual accuracy.

Curabitur egestas malesuada volutpat. Nunc vel vestibulum odio, ac pellentesque lacus. Pellentesque dapibus nunc nec est imperdiet, a malesuada sem rutrum. Sed quam odio, porta a finibus quis, sagittis aliquet leo. Nunc ornare metus urna, eu luctus velit placerat ut. Cras at porttitor lectus.

Key Specification

  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry
  • Lorem Ipsum has been the ‘s standard dummy text. Lorem Ipsumum is simply dummy text.
  • Type here your detail one by one li more add
  • Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.
  • The standard chunk of Lorem Ipsum used since the 1500s is reproduced below for those interested.

Operating System

Windows : This is an Proprietary Operating system and vendor is Microsoft. i.e. Windows 2007, Windows vista, Windows 2008 etc.
Linux : This is an open source Operating System such as ubuntu, fedora, debian, mandriva, centOS etc.

Dual Monitor Options

Many employees can benefit from working with a dual monitor because the dual display can make it easier to work with multiple windows at once and stay organized. If you want to improve workplace efficiency, consider investing in a computer that can support multiple computer monitors, ideally through HDMI support.


Google Pixelbook...

$33.00 -$2.00 $35.00

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